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比特币(英語: Bitcoin ,缩写:BTC 或 XBT)是一種基於去中心化,採用點對點網路與共识主动性,開放原始碼,以區塊鏈作為底層技術的加密貨幣 ,比特币由中本聪(網名) (Satoshi Nakamoto)於2008年10月31日發表論文 ,2009年1月3日,創世區塊誕生。 在某些國家、央行、政府機關則將比特幣視 … Bitcoin - ArchWiki From wiki: The consensus rules are the specific set of rules that all Bitcoin full nodes will unfailingly enforce when considering the validity of a block and its transactions. For example, the Bitcoin consensus rules require that blocks only create a certain number of bitcoins. Bitcoin Heist (2016) - IMDb

Bitcoin (valutaforkortelse: BTC eller XBT) er et online betalingssystem og en virtuel valuta.Selvom bitcoin som betalingsmiddel kun accepteres ganske få steder, er den populær som investeringsobjekt og er verdens mest kendte kryptovaluta. Det blev opfundet af den anonyme Satoshi Nakamoto, som offentliggjorde sin opfindelse i 2008 og efterfølgende udgav systemet som open source i 2009.

Bitcoin – Wikipedia

Oct 17, 2019

A transferência de bitcoins na rede bitcoin se dá através de transações entre o endereço remetente e o destinatário. Em geral, esses endereços pertencem a pessoas diferentes, mas é possível que um usuário crie um endereço destinatário para si, fazendo uma auto-transferência de bitcoins. Falcó - Rich people prefer Bitcoins - Catawiki 100x100cm This work comes directly from the artist's studio, it's new, never previously sold or exhibited in an art gallery, museum or auction. It has a guarantee of authenticity from the artist himself. In case of loss in transport, the artist guarantees the shipment of another similar work for free. This is acrylic paint, spray, markers, giclee and mixed media on cotton canvas by the famous