The Top DNS Servers And What They Offer - DNSimple Blog

Install, Configure, and Maintain Linux DNS Server - Like Geeks Mar 17, 2017 Build your own DNS name server on Linux | Apr 07, 2017 How to Find My DNS Server IP Address in Linux

1) ipconfig /all - this shows all the things like MAC Address, Adapter name, DHCP lease time, DHCP renew time, DNS server. What is the equivalent in linux Ubuntu - I understand ifconfig but ifconfig doesn't give that many information.

Mar 17, 2017 · The DNS (Domain Name System) is a naming system for computers, the service that does that is the DNS server which translates an IP address to a human-readable address. This process is the backbone of the internet and a very important service in your server, so from that point, we will discuss DNS server or specifically Linux DNS server and how Apr 07, 2017 · The first test you can perform to ensure that your caching name server is working is to use dig to locate the DNS database information for To further test your caching name server, use the dig command to obtain the IP Address(es) for some common Internet websites, such as, CNN, Wired, and any others you like.

MaraDNS - a small open-source DNS server

Posted by Riccardo at 00:14 Tagged with: benchmark, comprehensive guide, crypt, dig, dig ipv6, dns server, dns traffic, domain name service, Domain Name System, domain names, fastest dns, guida, ip addresses, linux 3 Responses to “How to query a DNS server from Linux with DIG, by examples” Jul 01, 2020 · Verizon, like most ISPs, prefers to balance their DNS server traffic via local, automatic assignments. For example, the primary Verizon DNS server in Atlanta, GA, is and in Chicago, is Aug 21, 2019 · Setting DNS Nameservers on Ubuntu Server # Back in the days, whenever you wanted to configure DNS resolvers in Linux you would simply open the /etc/resolv.conf file, edit the entries, save the file and you are good to go. Nov 28, 2011 · You can query any public server with the dig command to see how its name and IP address are matched up: $ dig +nocmd +noall +answer 5276 IN A 5276 IN A Think of an authoritative DNS server as the master address book for an Internet domain. The line dns-nameservers sets up a DNS server with the IP address of as our DNS server (it is a public DNS server from Google). To configure multiple DNS servers, just add spaces between them: dns-nameservers IP_ADDRESS1 IP_ADDRESS2 IP_ADDRESS3… Save the file and exit. Jan 25, 2020 · So our basic DNS server is up and running, let us configure our slave DNS server. Configure Slave Server. Next let us proceed with the configuration of our slave server to configure the Master Slave DNS Server in Linux (S) Install bind-chroot rpm. Similar to master DNS server we need to install bind-chroot rpm here [root@slave ~]# yum install On an Ubuntu Server 18.04, if you don't want to install anything extra like nm-tool, then systemd-resolve --status will work out of the box for DNS information. If you're interested getting not only your DNS servers, but also default gateway, IP address, network mask, etc, then netplan ip leases eth0 will give you all that information in an